Early Years Apprenticeship Level 2



Closes on Thursday 15 May 2025

Posted on 11 November 2024


You will be working full time at the Nursery as a Level 2 Early Years Practitioner Apprentice. This will include gaining your practical experience, and you will attend bi-weekly lessons at Chiltern Training to gain your knowledge.

Training course
Early years practitioner (level 2)
You will work full time, 40 hours per week, Monday to Friday with shifts ranging between 7.00am - 7.00pm.

40 hours a week

Possible start date

Tuesday 20 May


1 year

Positions available



Most of your apprenticeship is spent working. You’ll learn on the job by getting hands-on experience.

What you’ll do at work

What you’ll do at work:

  • Supervise children
  • Organising activities
  • Developing children's development
  • Updating children's records
  • Working closely with parents and staff
  • Preparing food and drinks

Where you’ll work

GU19 5QE


Apprenticeships include time away from working for specialist training. You’ll study to gain professional knowledge and skills.

College or training organisation


Your training course

Early years practitioner (level 2)

Equal to GCSE

Course contents
  • Support babies and young children through a range of transitions.e.g moving onto school, moving house or the birth of a sibling
  • Recognise when a child is in danger, at risk of serious harm or abuse and explain the procedures to be followed to protect them. Types of abuse including: domestic, neglect , physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.
  • Identify risks and hazards in the work setting and during off site visits.relating to both children and staff
  • Demonstrate skills and understanding for the prevention and control of infection, including hand washing, food preparation and hygiene, dealing with spillages safely, safe disposal of waste, using correct personal protective equipment.
  • Use equipment, furniture and materials safely, following the manufacturers’ instructions and setting’s requirements.
  • Encourage children to be aware of personal safety and the safety of others and develop personal hygiene practices (including oral hygiene).
  • Promote health and wellbeing in settings by encouraging babies and young children to consume healthy and balanced meals, snacks and drinks appropriate for their age and be physically active through planned and spontaneous activity throughout the day, both indoors and outdoors.
  • Carry out respectful care routines appropriate to the development, stage, dignity and needs of the child, including eating (feeding and weaning/complimentary feeding), nappy changing procedures, potty/toilet training, care of skin, teeth and hair and rest and sleep provision.
  • Communicate with all children in ways that will be understood, including verbal and non-verbal communication.
  • Extend children’s development and learning through verbal and non-verbal communication.
  • Encourage babies and young children to use a range of communication methods.
  • Use a range of communication methods to exchange information with children and adults.
  • Work with colleagues to identify and plan enabling environments, activities (both indoors and outdoors), play opportunities and educational programmes (both adult led and child initiated) to support children’s holistic development through a range of play, creativity, social development and learning.
  • Implement and review activities to support children’s play, creativity, social development and learning and clear up after activities.
  • Observe children, assess, plan and record the outcomes, sharing results accurately and confidentially in line with expected statutory framework and setting’s requirements.
  • Use learning activities to support early language development.
  • Support children’s early interest and development in mark making, writing, reading and being read to.
  • Support children’s interest and development in mathematical learning including numbers, number patterns, counting, sorting and matching.
  • Support the assessment, planning, implementation and reviewing (the graduated approach) of each baby’s and young child's individual plan for their care and participation.
  • Work in ways that value and respect the developmental needs and stages of babies and children.
  • Use feedback, mentoring and/or supervision to identify and support areas for development, goals and career opportunities.
  • Work co-operatively with colleagues, other professionals and agencies to meet the needs of babies and young children and enable them to progress.
  • Work alongside parents and/or carers and recognise their role in the baby’s/child’s health, well-being, learning and development.
  • Encourage parents and/or carers to take an active role in the baby’s/child’s care, play, learning and development.
  • Demonstrate how to share information with parents/carers about the importance of healthy balanced diets, looking after teeth and being physically active.
  • Support babies and young children through a range of transitions.e.g moving onto school, moving house or the birth of a sibling
  • Recognise when a child is in danger, at risk of serious harm or abuse and explain the procedures to be followed to protect them. Types of abuse including: domestic, neglect , physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.
  • Identify risks and hazards in the work setting and during off site visits.relating to both children and staff
  • Demonstrate skills and understanding for the prevention and control of infection, including hand washing, food preparation and hygiene, dealing with spillages safely, safe disposal of waste, using correct personal protective equipment.
  • Use equipment, furniture and materials safely, following the manufacturers’ instructions and setting’s requirements.
  • Encourage children to be aware of personal safety and the safety of others and develop personal hygiene practices (including oral hygiene).
  • Promote health and wellbeing in settings by encouraging babies and young children to consume healthy and balanced meals, snacks and drinks appropriate for their age and be physically active through planned and spontaneous activity throughout the day, both indoors and outdoors.
  • Carry out respectful care routines appropriate to the development, stage, dignity and needs of the child, including eating (feeding and weaning/complimentary feeding), nappy changing procedures, potty/toilet training, care of skin, teeth and hair and rest and sleep provision.
  • Communicate with all children in ways that will be understood, including verbal and non-verbal communication.
  • Extend children’s development and learning through verbal and non-verbal communication.
  • Encourage babies and young children to use a range of communication methods.
  • Use a range of communication methods to exchange information with children and adults.
  • Work with colleagues to identify and plan enabling environments, activities (both indoors and outdoors), play opportunities and educational programmes (both adult led and child initiated) to support children’s holistic development through a range of play, creativity, social development and learning.
  • Implement and review activities to support children’s play, creativity, social development and learning and clear up after activities.
  • Observe children, assess, plan and record the outcomes, sharing results accurately and confidentially in line with expected statutory framework and setting’s requirements.
  • Use learning activities to support early language development.
  • Support children’s early interest and development in mark making, writing, reading and being read to.
  • Support children’s interest and development in mathematical learning including numbers, number patterns, counting, sorting and matching.
  • Support the assessment, planning, implementation and reviewing (the graduated approach) of each baby’s and young child's individual plan for their care and participation.
  • Work in ways that value and respect the developmental needs and stages of babies and children.
  • Use feedback, mentoring and/or supervision to identify and support areas for development, goals and career opportunities.
  • Work co-operatively with colleagues, other professionals and agencies to meet the needs of babies and young children and enable them to progress.
  • Work alongside parents and/or carers and recognise their role in the baby’s/child’s health, well-being, learning and development.
  • Encourage parents and/or carers to take an active role in the baby’s/child’s care, play, learning and development.
  • Demonstrate how to share information with parents/carers about the importance of healthy balanced diets, looking after teeth and being physically active.

Your training plan

  • An apprenticeship includes regular training with a college or other training organisation. At least 20% of your working hours will be spent training or studying.


Let the company know about other relevant qualifications and industry experience you have. They can adjust the apprenticeship to reflect what you already know.


  • Communication skills
  • Organisation skills
  • Problem solving skills
  • Team working
  • Creative
  • Initiative
  • Non judgemental
  • Patience
  • Physical fitness
  • Caring
  • Kindness

About this company

Little Echoes children's nursery was established in 1994 and expanded in 2005 to meet the demand for places. Following many years of leasing, we purchased and refurbished a building in Bagshot, Surrey in April of 2012. The new nursery gave us two thousand sq feet more than our previous nursery and has a Scandinavian feel inside with lots of natural light and wood. We are situated in a quiet cul-de-sac with easy access to the M3, A322 and A30 with a large car-parking area adjacent to the nursery building. Open from 8am to 6pm we offer Full Days, Short Days till 4pm and AM/PM Sessions as well as Holiday Play Schemes.

https://www.littleechoes.co.uk/about.php (opens in new tab)

After this apprenticeship

  • You can progress onto you Level 3 Early Years Apprenticehip whihc can lead onto room leader, management, or use a UCAS points and go onto teaching, midwifery etc.

Ask a question

The contact for this apprenticeship is:


Admissions team



The reference code for this apprenticeship is VAC1000286892.

Apply now

Closes on Thursday 15 May 2025

When you apply, you’ll be asked to sign in with a GOV.UK One Login. You can create one at the same time as applying for this apprenticeship.