Diagnostic Radiography Apprenticeship



Closes in 22 days (Sunday 13 October)

Posted on 20 September 2024


This is an excellent opportunity for personal and professional development, with successful completion ensuring apprentices have the skills required to successfully embark on a career as a Diagnostic Radiographer. The program is delivered through a combination of work-based practice and on-campus teaching.

Annual wage
£24,071 a year

Minimum wage rates (opens in new tab)

Training course
Diagnostic radiographer (level 6)
The post holder will be required to work flexible shift work, with some commitment to an out-of-hours and weekend service.

37 hours a week

Possible start date

Saturday 1 March


3 Years

Positions available



As an apprentice, you’ll work at a company and get hands-on experience. You’ll gain new skills and work alongside experienced staff.

What you’ll do at work

  • Providing support to Radiographers and Radiologists performing imaging procedures on different imaging modalities, for patients referred to the Radiology department
  • Explaining to patients the preparatory requirements for the Radiological examinations and procedures and administering these as required, e.g drinking of contrast media
  • To undertake the care and reassurance of patients undergoing imaging procedures
  • Attending to patient’s needs, including chaperone duties, manual handling and helping dress/undress where necessary
  • To have delegated responsibility for the supervised use of expensive diagnostic radiology equipment to ensure that the patient, carer, relatives, and operator remain safe from the physical and radiation hazards associated with it
  • To highlight and document any equipment faults or service issues to a senior member of staff and take any appropriate action within
    Department guidelines
  • To perform intravenous cannulation when trained to do so in line with Trust and Departmental protocols as appropriate
  • To demonstrate dexterity, accuracy, and attention to detail in the
    preparation of specialist equipment for procedures to be undertaken within the unit whilst adhering to Local and Trust policies
  • To undertake the transfer of mobile x-ray equipment and accessories within the department, and throughout the hospital, as required
  • Liaising with ward staff to co-ordinate patient transfer both to and from the Radiology Department
  • To undertake the transfer of patients between wards and departments within the hospital
  • To maintain high standards of cleanliness of equipment and accessories, in addition to keeping examination rooms and changing areas clean, tidy, and supplied with linen and relevant disposable items, (e.g. syringes, needles)
  • Carrying out clerical duties when required including use of the Electronic Patient Record system, Radiology Information System, and the Picture Archive and Communication System, (training will be provided)
  • Participating in all relevant in-service training programmes
  • Taking part in the appraisal system
  • Where appropriate participate in weekend and Bank Holiday rotas
  • Working within Radiology Departments across all OUH sites as part of the Apprentice rotation
  • To participate in any Major Incident and follow the Radiology Department policies and procedures
  • Undertaking any other tasks and duties, which may be delegated from time to time
  • To manage own workload and organise departmental workload under the supervision of senior staff
  • To adhere to all Trust policies including Health & Safety Regulations, COSHH Regulations, and the Data Protection Act
  • To comply with all radiation protection policies such as IR(ME)R the Code of Practice for the Protection of Persons against Ionising Radiations arising from Medical and Dental use and the IRR 17 Regulations
  • To comply with all local MRI local policies and procedures
  • To adhere to safe systems of work with regard to manual handling
  • To be aware of all Quality Control procedures within the department, including Quality Assurance testing for image quality and equipment safety, and to participate in the Department and Directorate Audit and Clinical Governance Programs
  • To adhere to role specific safety procedures and good practice
  • To maintain a high standard of appearance and hygiene as expected within the service
  • To comply with Trust Professional Dress Code and Uniform Policy
  • To maintain confidentiality at all times
  • To undertake the departmental and Trust induction Programme

Where you’ll work







An apprenticeship includes regular training with a college or other training organisation. At least 20% of your working hours will be spent training or studying.

College or training organisation


Your training course

Diagnostic radiographer (level 6)

Equal to degree

Course contents
  • Identify the limits of own practice and when to seek advice or refer to another professional or service.
  • Recognise the need to manage own workload and resources safely and effectively, including managing the emotional burden that comes with working in a pressured environment.
  • Keep own skills and knowledge up to date.
  • Maintain high standards of personal and professional conduct.
  • Engage in safeguarding processes where necessary.
  • Promote and protect the service user’s interests at all times.
  • Respect and uphold the rights, dignity, values, and autonomy of service users, including own role in the assessment, diagnostic, treatment and/or therapeutic process.
  • Recognise that relationships with service users, carers and others should be based on mutual respect and trust, and maintain high standards of care in all circumstances.
  • Obtain valid consent, which is voluntary and informed, has due regard to capacity, is proportionate to the circumstances and is appropriately documented.
  • Exercise a duty of care.
  • Apply legislation, policies and guidance relevant to own profession and scope of practice.
  • Recognise the power imbalance which comes with being a health care professional, and ensure it is not for personal gain.
  • Practise in accordance with current legislation governing the use of ionising and non-ionising radiation for medical and other purposes.
  • Identify own anxiety and stress and recognise the potential impact on own practice.
  • Develop and adopt clear strategies for physical and mental self-care and self-awareness, to maintain a high standard of professional effectiveness and a safe working environment.
  • Recognise that they are personally responsible for, and must be able to, justify their decisions and actions.
  • Use own skills, knowledge and experience, and the information available, to make informed decisions and/or take action where necessary.
  • Make reasoned decisions to initiate, continue, modify or cease treatment or the use of techniques or procedures, and record the decisions and reasoning appropriately.
  • Make and receive appropriate referrals, where necessary.
  • Exercise personal initiative.
  • Demonstrate a logical and systematic approach to problem solving.
  • Use research, reasoning and problem-solving skills when determining appropriate actions.
  • Respond appropriately to the needs of all different groups and individuals in practice, recognising this can be affected by difference of any kind including, but not limited to, protected characteristics, intersectional experiences and cultural differences.
  • Recognise the potential impact of own values, beliefs and personal biases, which may be unconscious, on practice and take personal action to ensure all service users and carers are treated appropriately with respect and dignity.
  • Make and support reasonable adjustments in own and others’ practice.
  • Actively challenge barriers to inclusion, supporting the implementation of change wherever possible.
  • Adhere to the professional duty of confidentiality.
  • Respond in a timely manner to situations where it is necessary to share information to safeguard service users, carers and/or the wider public and recognise situations where it is necessary to share information to safeguard service users, carers and/or the wider public.
  • Use effective and appropriate verbal and non-verbal skills to communicate with service users, carers, colleagues and others
  • Communicate in English to the required standard for the profession
  • Work with service users and / or own carers to facilitate the service user’s preferred role in decision-making, and provide service users and carers with the information they may need where appropriate
  • Modify own means of communication to address the individual communication needs and preferences of service users and carers, and remove any barriers to communication where possible
  • Use information, communication and digital technologies appropriate to own practice
  • Formulate and provide information and support for service users about their treatment and / or imaging process and procedures, with regular reappraisal of their information needs as appropriate
  • Advise other healthcare professionals about the relevance and application of imaging modalities to the service user’s needs
  • Provide appropriate information and support for service users throughout their diagnostic imaging examinations
  • Keep full, clear and accurate records in accordance with applicable legislation, protocols and guidelines
  • Manage records and all other information in accordance with applicable legislation, protocols and guidelines
  • Use digital record keeping tools, where required
  • Work in partnership with service users, carers, colleagues and others
  • Contribute effectively to work undertaken as part of a multi-disciplinary team
  • Identify anxiety and stress in service users, carers and colleagues, adapting own practice and providing support where appropriate
  • Identify own leadership qualities, behaviours and approaches, taking into account the importance of equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Demonstrate leadership behaviours appropriate to own practice
  • Act as a role model for others
  • Promote and engage in the learning of others
  • Demonstrate awareness of the need to empower service users to participate in the decision-making processes related to their profession
  • Demonstrate awareness of the need to encourage, support and mentor staff at all practitioner levels
  • Demonstrate awareness of roles and responsibilities where work is delegated and how this applies in practice
  • Interpret and act upon information from other healthcare professionals and service users, in order to maximise health gain whilst minimising risks to the service user (such as from radiation dose)
  • Engage in evidence-based practice
  • Gather and use feedback and information, including qualitative and quantitative data, to evaluate the responses of service users to own care
  • Monitor and systematically evaluate the quality of practice, and maintain an effective quality management and quality assurance process working towards continual improvement
  • Participate in quality management, including quality control, quality assurance, clinical governance and the use of appropriate outcome measures
  • Evaluate care plans or intervention plans using recognised and appropriate outcome measures, in conjunction with the service user where possible, and revise the plans as necessary
  • Demonstrate awareness of the principles and applications of scientific enquiry, including the evaluation of treatment efficacy and the research process
  • Demonstrate awareness of the philosophy and the development of the profession of diagnostic radiography to inform understanding of current practice
  • Apply the principles of ionising radiation production, interaction with matter, beam modification, administration of radionuclides and radiation protection
  • Distinguish between normal and abnormal appearances on images
  • Recognise and respond to adverse or abnormal reactions to medications used in relation to their profession
  • Demonstrate awareness of the current developments and trends in the science and practice of diagnostic radiography
  • Demonstrate awareness of the principles of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and deep learning technology, and its application to practice
  • Change own practice as needed to take account of new developments, technologies and changing contexts
  • Gather appropriate information
  • Analyse and critically evaluate the information collected
  • Select and use appropriate assessment techniques and equipment
  • Undertake and record a thorough, sensitive, and detailed assessment
  • Undertake or arrange investigations as appropriate
  • Conduct appropriate assessment or monitoring procedures, treatment, therapy or other actions safely and effectively
  • Critically evaluate research and other evidence to inform own practice
  • Engage service users in research as appropriate
  • Formulate specific and appropriate management plans including the setting of timescales
  • Assess, monitor and care for the service user across the pathway of care relevant to their profession
  • Undertake and record a thorough, sensitive and detailed clinical assessment, selecting and using appropriate techniques and equipment
  • Use physical, graphical, verbal and electronic methods to collect and analyse information from a range of relevant sources including service user’s clinical history, diagnostic images and reports, pathological tests and results, dose recording and treatment verification systems
  • Interrogate and process data and information gathered accurately in order to conduct the procedures most appropriate to the service user’s needs
  • Appraise image information for clinical manifestations and technical accuracy, and take further action as required
  • Manage complex and unpredictable situations including the ability to adapt planned procedures
  • Operate diagnostic imaging equipment safely and accurately
  • Check that equipment is functioning accurately and within the specifications, and to take appropriate action in the case of faulty functioning and operation
  • Select and explain the rationale for radiographic techniques and immobilisation procedures appropriate to the service user’s physical and disease management requirements
  • Position and immobilise service users correctly for safe and accurate procedures
  • Authorise and plan appropriate diagnostic imaging examinations
  • Calculate radiation doses and exposures and record and understand the significance of radiation dose
  • Perform a broad range of standard imaging techniques, including examinations requiring contrast agents for relevant modalities across a variety of diagnostic or screening care pathways
  • Assist with a range of more complex diagnostic imaging techniques and interventional procedures providing radiographic support to the service user and other members of the multidisciplinary team
  • Provide appropriate care for the range of service users and their carers before, during and after imaging examinations, minimally invasive interventional procedures and contrast agent examinations
  • Perform a range of imaging examinations where the service user’s individual characteristics require examinations to be carried out using nonstandard techniques
  • Perform a range of techniques using mobile imaging equipment outside of a dedicated imaging room
  • Manage and assist with imaging techniques performed on anaesthetised or unconscious individuals
  • Adjust ionising radiation exposures and image recording parameters to achieve required image quality at optimal dose for children and adults
  • Perform a range of imaging techniques and interventions on children
  • Use to best effect the processing and related technology supporting imaging systems
  • Manage and assist with fluoroscopic diagnostic and interventional procedures, including those that are complex and involve the use of contrast agents
  • Perform a broad range of computed tomographic (CT) examinations, including standard head CT examinations, and assist with CT examinations of the spine, chest and abdomen in acute trauma, and to contribute effectively to other CT studies
  • Perform standard magnetic resonance imaging procedures
  • Assist with ultrasound imaging procedures
  • Assist with imaging procedures involving the use of radionuclides including PET tracers and particle emitters
  • Critically analyse clinical images for technical quality and suggest improvement if required
  • Distinguish disease trauma and urgent and unexpected findings as they manifest on diagnostic images and take direct and timely action to assist the referrer
  • Demonstrate awareness of relevant health and safety legislation and comply with all local operational procedures and policies
  • Work safely, including being able to select appropriate hazard control and risk management, reduction or elimination techniques in a safe manner and in accordance with health and safety legislation
  • Select appropriate personal protective equipment and use it correctly
  • Establish safe environments for practice, which appropriately manages risk
  • Apply appropriate moving and handling techniques
  • Ensure the physical safety of all individuals in the imaging/ therapeutic work environment, especially with regard to radiation safety and high-strength magnetic fields
  • Use basic life support techniques and deal with clinical emergencies
  • Empower and enable individuals (including service users and colleagues) to play a part in managing own health
  • Engage in occupational health, including being aware of immunisation requirements
  • Your training plan

    Diagnostic Radiographer Level 6 Apprenticeship Standard:

    • You will gain experience working in CT, MRI, Ultrasound, Angiography, Fluoroscopy, Nuclear Medicine, Breast Imaging, Plain Film across all four sites and community-based services
    • The program is delivered through a combination of work-based practice and on-campus teaching
    • The on-campus teaching consists of 3 blocks of 3 -5 days per year with access to state-of-the-art, purpose-built facilities including X-ray room, MRI scanner and lab space
    • E-learning elements of the course, including lectures, seminars and online collaborative work, undertaken through the University’s electronic learning environment. This will supplement and further learning, as well as provide academic support
    • Work-based practice and learning will allow you to contribute to excellent patient care by obtaining images of high diagnostic quality using a range of complex imaging equipment under the supervision of experienced registered Radiographers


    Essential qualifications

    GCSE in:

    • English, Maths (grade A*-C/4-9)
    • Science(International Baccalaureate)(BTEC Diploma) (grade B (Level 5)(DDM))

    Let the company know about other relevant qualifications and industry experience you have. They can adjust the apprenticeship to reflect what you already know.


    • Communication skills
    • IT skills
    • Attention to detail
    • Organisation skills
    • Customer care skills
    • Problem solving skills
    • Administrative skills
    • Analytical skills
    • Logical
    • Team working
    • Creative
    • Initiative
    • Non judgemental
    • Patience

    Other requirements

    We have an exciting opportunity to recruit into the Apprenticeship role across Radiology at Oxford University Hospitals Foundation Trust. Working with University of Exeter as our educational provider, we are seeking to recruit two highly motivated and enthusiastic members of staff to enrol on what will be a challenging but rewarding program.

    About this company

    Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has a rich tradition of developing nursing and midwifery practice and of delivering excellence in patient care. Whilst proud of our heritage, our focus is the future and central to our vision is providing evidence-based individualised care to the people we support.

    https://www.ouh.nhs.uk/ (opens in new tab)

    Disability Confident

    Disability Confident

    A fair proportion of interviews for this apprenticeship will be offered to applicants with a disability or long-term health condition. This includes non-visible disabilities and conditions.

    You can choose to be considered for an interview under the Disability Confident scheme. You’ll need to meet the essential requirements to be considered for an interview.

    After this apprenticeship

    • This is an excellent opportunity for personal and professional development, with successful completion ensuring apprentices have the skills required to successfully embark on a career as a Diagnostic Radiographer

    Ask a question

    The contact for this apprenticeship is:


    Mohammed Ahmed


    The reference code for this apprenticeship is VAC1000278291.

    Apply now

    Closes in 22 days (Sunday 13 October)

    When you apply, you’ll be asked to sign in with a GOV.UK One Login. You can create one at the same time as applying for this apprenticeship.

    After signing in, you’ll apply for this apprenticeship on the company's website.